MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Sam Marksheid, and Vicki DiStefano | (516) 869-7794
Town Will Install Water Slide as Part of CGM Pool’s Renovation
Design firm adjusts plan to accommodate slide feature next to kiddie pool area, away from main pool
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth announced today that the renovation of the Clinton G. Martin pool will include a water slide, following the September 21 meeting at which a majority of residents expressed the desire for a water slide to be included in the plans. After being asked by Supervisor Bosworth to find a workable location for the slide, the design firm, J. R. Holzmacher, presented a plan that was enthusiastically supported by the Supervisor, Town staff and the pool’s advisory board. The design firm is scaling back the size of the kiddie pool from approximately 9,000 square feet to approximately 5,000 square feet and will place a separate basin to accommodate the new slide feature. The basin will be adjacent to the kiddie pool and will be designed to Nassau County Department of Health standards. The new design will not interfere with the main pool, its swim lanes or any other swimming activities.
“I am thrilled that this compromise has been found, which I strongly believe will please both sides of the ‘slide vs. no slide” camps,” said Supervisor Bosworth. “This new design will still provide a much-expanded space for the kiddie pool with spray features and will also offer a space for the slide so that the older children can have a feature to enjoy as well. It also leaves the main pool open to swimming activities and doesn’t interfere with the quiet space that some of the pool’s patron’s desire.”
“The community is excited to learn there will be the addition of a slide,” said Marianna Wolgemuth, a member of the New Hyde Park Park District Advisory Committee. “The Town has proven, yet again, their goal is to listen to the residents. They have created a pool everyone should be happy to join and attend. Thank you to the architects and engineers for thinking outside the box to create a slide we will all be proud of. The relocation of the slide away from the main pool is a win-win for the entire community.”