Our Government > Departments > Public Safety > Department of Public Safety Division of Harbor Patrol & Marine Enforcement
Department of Public Safety Division of Harbor Patrol & Marine Enforcement

Tide Information
The high tides at Hempstead Harbor are ten minutes earlier than those at Manhasset Bay.
The tide tables published here are provided as a public service only, and consist of information from publicly available sources. The Town of North Hempstead has not independently verified those sources, and makes no warranty of accuracy of the tables set forth here. Boaters who must rely on a tide table for safe navigation should refer to other sources.
Please Click here for the current tide table.
Important Boater Safety Rules
The North Hempstead Town Code requires you to operate your boat:
- In a careful and prudent manner.
- At a speed of no more than 5 miles per hour when you are within 300 feet of the shoreline or in a boat basin, beach area, anchorage, or mooring area.
- Without creating an excessive wake, or a wake that endangers other people or boats.
- With less than a .08 of a percent of alcohol in your bloodstream.
In addition, if your boat sinks, grounds, is abandoned, is disabled, or becomes a hazard to navigation, it may be removed by the, the Town Harbor Patrol or the Nassau County Police Department's Marine Division at the boat owner's or operator's expense.
While these sections of our website highlight the most important Town laws governing watercraft operations and safety, it does not contain all Town Code provisions on those topics. Double click on the words Town Code for a complete text of the Code. Chapters 42 and 69 are where you will find most of the provisions pertaining to boating and the waterfront.
The use of jet skis and other personal watercraft is prohibited in Mitchell's Creek (located along the upper portion of the Great Neck Peninsula), Hempstead Harbor south of North Hempstead Beach Park, and Motts Cove. Violating this Town Code provision is punishable by a fine of between $250 and $500. Violating this provision a second or subsequent time within 5 years with the same watercraft or with another watercraft owned by the same person subjects the watercraft to forfeiture.
Trash Disposal and Fuel Use
Boaters should not let trash get thrown or blown overboard-it is illegal. Trash blown overboard should be retrieved. Boaters should buy products that do not have plastic or excessive packaging, as these can be deadly to fish and birds. Cigarette butts should not be tossed overboard.
Boaters should not overfill the fuel tanks of their vessels, and should remember that fuel expands as it warms up. Fuel tanks should be filled just before departure. If you fill your tank upon returning to port, fill it up only 90%. Use oil absorbent material to catch drips from the fuel intake and the vent overflow. Add a fuel conditioner to your tank if you use your engine infrequently.
Town Pump-out Station and Pump-out Boat
Western Long Island Sound, Manhasset and Little Neck Bays, and Hempstead Harbor are No Discharge Areas. Accordingly, the Town provides pump-out services at no charge for all pleasure boats in Manhasset Bay and the North Hempstead territorial waters of Little Neck Bay and Hempstead Harbor.
Stationary Pump-out Services are available at the Town Dock.
The Town's pump-out boat, Marine 9, is available to service vessels during the summer boating season and into the fall. For available dates and times, please call the Town Dock at 767-4622.
The pump-out boat will monitor VHF Channel 9. Requests for service may be made either on Channel 9, by telephoning the Town Dock at (516) 680-1929 or contacting ebenauj@northhempsteadny.gov.
- 15 minute tie up
- Pick up and discharge of passengers
- Dingy dockage
- Pump out service
- Refuse containers
- Fishing area
- Restrooms
- Free parking
- Saturday farmers market
- Fresh water
For mooring, water taxi
and skiff inquiries please contact: 516-767-1691
Information and applications for the following waterfront permits may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office:
- Permits for Piers, Docks, and Other Structures
- Permits for Mooring Areas or Perimeters
- Permits for Individual Moorings
- Permits for Winter Float Storage
- Permits for Mooring Inspectors
Department of Public Safety
Division of Harbor Patrol & Marine
311 or (516) 869-6311
347 Main Street,
Port Washington, NY 11050
The Town's Bay Constable monitors Marine Channels 9 and 16, and operates from the Town Dock in Port Washington, New York.