Our Government > Departments > Public Works/Highways > Snow Removal
Snow Removal
The Highway staff continuously monitors weather conditions in order to properly prepare for storm events and weather related emergencies. In winter months the Highway crews are available to work around the clock to keep Town roadways accessible for emergency response by Police, Fire and Ambulance services, and to maintain access for Town residents to reach home, work and school.
It is helpful that residents cooperate with our efforts and follow weather service announcements and local news in order to keep informed about weather emergencies. When possible it is best for residents to stay at home and off the roads to allow the plows and heavy equipment to finish their work effectively and efficiently.
During snow and ice events Town crews spread sand and salt onto the roadways. Main arteries are given priority, followed by smaller streets, dead ends and cul-de-sacs. The operation continues until sand and salt has been applied to all the Town streets or until snow becomes too deep for this process to be effective. When snow accumulates over 3 inches and more is in the forecast, the streets are usually plowed in similar sequence until the storm has passed and all roads are cleared.
Plows will travel through the Town keeping the main arteries open for the majority of traffic and emergency vehicles, residential streets will be plowed in effort to keep them "open" with one lane. When the storm has ended trucks will continue working to widen the roadways by pushing the snow back to the curbs and clearing the intersections. Catch basins will be exposed in order allow melting snow to drain and avoid flooding streets.
Following the snow clearing operations another application of sand and salt may be applied to the roadways to reduce icing conditions.
In order to make our operation easier, it is requested that whenever possible residents park all vehicles in driveways during snowstorms. This will prevent being plowed in, and provides the plows with adequate room to operate.
Residents should wait until streets have been plowed prior to shoveling sidewalks and driveways; however if you must shovel, remember to pile snow to the left of the driveway (facing the house) to minimize what will be plowed back. Finally please do not shovel or plow from driveways and sidewalks into the roadways, this can create ice patches and is a nuisance to neighbors as well as a safety hazard to pedestrians and vehicles.