MEDIA CONTACTS: Collin Nash, Ryan Mulholland, & Sam Marksheid | (516) 869-7794
Town of North Hempstead Offers Pool Safety Tips for Residents
Manhasset, NY – Supervisor Jon Kaiman and the North Hempstead Town Board would like to remind residents that with the continuation of pool season, extra precautions should be taken in regard to pool safety, whether you’re at a Town of North Hempstead pool, or your own.
A recent post from Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) states that an estimated 5,100 pool or spa-related hospital emergency department (ED) treated submersion injuries occurred each year from 2010 through 2012.
“The Town of North Hempstead each year reaches out to the community and offers pool safety tips in order to prevent accidents from occurring,” said Supervisor Kaiman. “The Town requires all residents who own a pool to follow the requirements set forth in the town code when installing and maintaining their pool. These rules and regulations are set forward to protect the health and safety of us all.”
Pool Safety Tips from the Town of North Hempstead
Compiled with assistance from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission
- If a child is missing, always look first in the pool. Seconds count!
- Never leave a child unsupervised in or near a pool, even for a moment.
- You must put up a fence to separate your house from the pool. The Town requires the installation of a fence at least 6 feet high around all sides of the pool, as well as the use of self-closing and self-latching gates that secure from the inside.
- Practice touch supervision with children younger than 5 years. This means that the adult is within an arm’s length of the child at all times.
- After use, securely close the pool.
- Keep rescue equipment and a phone near the pool.
- Never use a pool with its pool cover partially in place, since children may become entrapped under it. Remove the cover completely.
- Remove all toys from the pool after use so children aren’t tempted to reach for them
- Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The Town of North Hempstead offers CPR training and certification courses to all residents multiple times per year. The town sponsors the training courses with the National Safety Council Adult and Pediatric CPR and AED. Training and certification courses are held at Town Hall. Call 311 for more information
For more information, please call 311.

A Town of North Hempstead lifeguard keeps an eye on swimmers at Manorhaven Beach Park, one of the Town’s public pools.