MEDIA CONTACTS: Collin Nash, Ryan Mulholland, & Sam Marksheid | (516) 869-7794
Town of North Hempstead Making Strides on Major Searingtown Flood Mitigation Project
North Hempstead,, NY –Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jon Kaiman, Town Councilman Tom Dwyer and County Legislators Wayne Wink and Judi Bosworth recently joined residents on a tour of a major Searingtown flood mitigation project.
The August 6th visit to the project on the corner of Crescent Drive and Woodville Lane was aimed at keeping the community current on the progress of the work.
“I am extremely pleased to see this project underway,” Supervisor Kaiman said on arrival at the construction site. “The Town is committed to the swift completion of this project so residents can safely navigate these roads as soon as possible.”
Financed in part by a $688,000 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, the ongoing, four-phase project includes installation of larger pumps, an emergency generator, and drainage structures for additional storage and groundwater infiltration
In recent years, storm water runoff from a nearby 19 acre single family residential subdivision had flowed to a low point at the intersection of Crescent Drive and Woodville Lane, where it was collected and pumped offsite. That intersection suffered frequent flooding, cutting off access for to residential properties for homeowners, guests, and emergency vehicles.
Bancker Construction, the lead contractor on the project, is currently working on Phase I of the project, which includes a brand-new above ground control panel and other electrical and mechanical upgrades. The work is slated for completion the first week of September. Phase II will consist of the installation of permanent drainage structures, Phase III will include the installation of a permanent generator, and Phase IV will include a device that will keep sediment out of the well. Phases III and IV are still in the development stage and will require Town Board approval.
Councilman Tom Dwyer, who has helped spearhead the project said, “This project is essential to the safety of the homeowners of this neighborhood as it not only ensures that residents can get to or leave their homes during a rainstorm, but that emergency personnel can access these roads as well.”
The project had been part of the Nassau County Hazard Mitigation Program.
Legislator Wayne Wink, whose district encompasses this area said, “After meeting with constituents in this neighborhood, it is apparent how relieved they are that this project is underway. It is important that we continue to keep an eye on areas that are prone to flooding to preserve safety for homeowners.”
Noting that projects like this are commonplace on the North Shore of Long Island, County Legislator Judi Bosworth said, “It is essential that we continue to locate major flood issues like this one, and identify available grants in order to lessen the impact on taxpayers.”
Norm Sandes, President of the Searingtown Neighborhood Civic Association, who lives on Crescent Drive said he was thankful for the Town’s work. “We are extremely gratified that this work is being done for the residents of this neighborhood.”

Rob Fazio explains the functions of the new above-ground Control Panel to (From left) Supervisor Kaiman, County Legislators Wayne Wink and Judi Bosworth, Norm Sandes, and Councilman Tom Dwyer

Back row, from left, Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman, County Legislator Wayne Wink, Resident Norm Sandes, County Legislator Judi Bosworth, Resident Carol Boccia, Town Councilman Tom Dwyer, and Town Public Works Project Manager Rob Fazio. Front row, from left, Bancker workers, Joe Plante, Rich Cervantes, and Leroy Harry.