FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 10, 2013
MEDIA CONTACTS: Collin Nash, Ryan Mulholland, & Sam Marksheid | (516) 869-7794
Hundreds Kick off Holiday Festivities at the Annual Manhasset Tree Lighting Ceremony
North Hempstead, NY – The cold and falling rain couldn’t stop the scores who last week joined North Hempstead Town Supervisor John Riordan, members of the Town Board, and community leaders from joining in the celebration of a holiday event that has become a North Hempstead tradition – the Annual Manhasset Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.
A crowd of about 250 people, including Town of North Hempstead Supervisor-Elect Judi Bosworth and Town Clerk-Elect Wayne Wink, enjoyed cookies and hot chocolate as the December 6th festivities played out under the gazebo in Mary Jane Davies Park. Town Councilwoman Anna Kaplan, whose district encompasses Manhasset was also on hand, as well as Councilwoman Lee Seeman, Receiver of Taxes Charles Berman, and Town Clerk Leslie Gross.
Greeting the throng of guests, Supervisor Riordan thanked the crowd as well as the co-sponsors of the program, the Manhasset Park District, the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce, the Manhasset Lakeville Fire and Water District as well as the Town’s Administrative Services and Community Services Departments, which coordinated the celebration.
“I am honored for the opportunity to join with you and your family and friends to celebrate this magical season, a festive get-together that has become a North Hempstead tradition,” said Supervisor Riordan.
Earlier, members of the Manhasset American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars recited the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
After, Rev. Dr. Steven D. Pierce of the Community Reformed Church performed the blessing and the Manhasset High School Brass Choir, directed by Randy Knudsen, played traditional Christmas music.
As is the custom, Nancy Morris, chair of the annual holiday poster contest, handed out awards to the 21 winners ranging in age from kindergarten to sixth grade. The grand prize winner will be selected via a public vote from December 10th to 30th by going to the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce website at The winner will be announced in early January.
Teresa Weston of Manhasset said she had no problem braving the cold, damp weather because she wanted to be there to support her daughter, Julia, a second grader at Munsey Park School. Julia was among the winners of the poster contest, which was themed: My Holiday Store Window.
“It was also great to be able to share the moment with friends and neighbors,” said Weston.
Poster Contest Winners
1. Maria Roditis
2. Julian Biederman
3. Kristina Theodosopoulos
First Grade
1. Parker Madden
2. Julia Weston
3. Sarah Weigand
Second Grade
1. Cathryn Weigand
2. Rowan Collins
3. Yianni Roditis
Third Grade
1. Sofia Giordano
2. Molly Skrabut
3. Logan Panzik
Fourth Grade
1. Christian Antonopoulos
2. Kate Kirkwood
3. Karkin Biederman
Fifth Grade
1. Riley Miller
2. Michael Raybetz
3. Rishabh Jajoo
Sixth Grade
1. Donna Callery
2. Ashley Huber
3. Ava Paulucci
The poster contest winners pose with officials from North Hempstead: Councilwoman Lee Seeman, Supervisor John Riordan, Town Supervisor-Elect Judi Bosworth, Town Clerk-Elect Wayne Wink; officials from the Manhasset Park District: David Paterson, John J. Regan, and Mark Sauvigne; and Nancy Morris of the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce.
The newly lit Christmas Tree at Mary Jane Davies Park.
Children eagerly await the arrival of Santa Claus.