MEDIA CONTACTS: Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead Reminds Residents to Improve Their Homes’ Energy Performance
New Hyde Park, NY –The New Year has arrived and with it some of the coldest temperatures on record. This winter, in an ongoing effort to help residents save money by making their homes more energy-efficient, Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the Town Board would like to encourage all residents to take advantage of the Long Island Green Homes Program and sign up now for a free or reduced cost energy audit.
North Hempstead has been a proud member of the Long Island Green Homes Consortium for the past two years. This program is a cooperative effort of Long Island municipalities and organizations whose goal is to reduce energy costs and usage for Long Island homeowners by helping them get comprehensive home energy audits and make cost effective energy upgrades to their home.
“Promoting energy efficiency is a priority at the Town of North Hempstead and I am excited that we are continuing this great partnership with NYSERDA,” said Supervisor Judi Bosworth. “By taking part in this program, residents can improve the value of their homes, save money, protect the environment, and create green jobs, which is a win-win for everyone.”
The Town of North Hempstead is committed to making it simple for residents to improve the energy performance of their home and get the best benefits and incentives possible from State and utility energy efficiency programs. Staff is available to help you get started and be there for you from start to finish.
For more information on this program, visit www.longislandgreenhomes.org or call the 311 Call Center by dialing 311 if you live within North Hempstead, or (516) 869-6311 if you live outside of the Town.