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Public Service Announcement: Feral Cats
Feral Cats
In 2002 the Town implemented a TRAP-NEUTER-INNOCULATE-RELEASE program to address the growing feral cat population. The feral cats are humanely trapped, transported to licensed veterinarians for sterilization, inoculation and ear notching, provided post-operative care and then released back to their original colonies.

The Town contracts with the Humane Urban Group (HUG), Inc. and Last Hope Animal Rescue, both not-for-profit organizations, which have participated in the program since its inception. In that time, we have trapped, serviced and released over 1000 cats.

Together, we are able to address the problem of feral feline overpopulation in a humane and effective manner by stabilizing the feral cat colonies and preventing the potential spread of disease.

For more information, please contact Rafe Lieber at 869-7746 or via e-mail at lieber@northhempsteadny.gov.

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