FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 11, 2014
MEDIA CONTACTS: Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead Answers Most 311 Calls Since Weeks Following Superstorm Sandy
North Hempstead, NY –As a result of the recent string of winter storms, last week the Town of North Hempstead 311 Call Center answered more calls than in any week since November 17, 2012, which was just three weeks following Superstorm Sandy. 311 answered 4,547 calls between February 2nd and 8th with most of the calls relating to the weather and general taxes being due.
Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth placed a “Reverse 311” call to all households in the Town on February 4th alerting them of the necessity of preparing for the upcoming storms by securing enough food, water, and necessary medications. This resulted in a large volume of calls that day from residents.
“I felt it was very important to be proactive in this situation and alert residents of the possible dangers associated with these storms before they happened,” said Supervisor Bosworth. “By making this call in the afternoon, we gave everyone enough time to get the supplies necessary to cope with the storm and possible power outages.”
North Hempstead’s 311 Call Center, which is normally open Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 7:30pm, and on weekends, opened at 6:00am on Wednesday, February 5th, the morning of the week’s 2nd winter storm. The center has stayed open all night during other winter storm events this year.
Town Residents can call 311 or (516) 869-6311 to speak with a call center operator. 311 service requests can also be placed through the “My North Hempstead” app, which can now be downloaded in the iTunes store.
Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth with 311 Call Center Director Vincent Malizia at the 311 Call Center in Westbury.