FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 21, 2014
MEDIA CONTACTS: Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
Supervisor Bosworth Honors Manhasset Student for Heroic Effort
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth welcomed a Manhasset High School junior and her family to Town Hall on February 20th to recognize her for her quick thinking and courageous effort in helping out a neighbor in need.
Sixteen year old Sophia Langner was returning home at dusk on December 5th, along with her mother Natalie, when she noticed that an elderly gentleman with a cane was having difficulty walking up to the steps of his house. Sophia witnessed the man stumble and fall into the middle of the road. She immediately asked her mother to dial 911 and asked two neighbors to provide her with something to keep the man warm and cushion his head.
Both Sophia and Natalie stood by the man until paramedics could arrive. Paramedics took the gentleman by ambulance to North Shore Hospital, where he remained for two days.
Supervisor Bosworth awarded Sophia and her entire family with a proclamation declaring February 20, 2014 as a “day of special recognition throughout the Town of North Hempstead for Sophia Langner.” Marie Chiang, the wife of the injured elderly man, Yuun Sheng, was on hand for the ceremony, along with Merritt Warsaw, a neighbor who notified the Town of Sophia’s selfless feat.
“You showed a great sense of responsibility in this situation,” Supervisor Bosworth said. “That is a great testament to your parents and your twin brother (Geoffrey).”
Chiang said that her husband is now doing well. She said of Sophia’s effort, “She saved my husband’s life. She was sent to us from God.”

From left, David Langner, Natalie Langner, Sophia Langner, Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Marie Chiang, Geoffrey Langner and Merritt Warsaw.

Supervisor Bosworth declares February 20th a special day of recognition for Sophia Langner as her mother Natalie looks on.