MEDIA CONTACTS: Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid, and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
Hundreds of Plungers Brave Frigid Temps in Support of Special Olympics New York
North Hempstead, NY – The Town of North Hempstead teamed up with Special Olympics New York for the 10th Annual Town of North Hempstead Polar Plunge this past Saturday. Nearly 600 plungers hopped into the chilly waters of Hempstead Harbor to raise $85,000 for Special Olympics New York.
Former Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman, who helped launch the first North Hempstead Polar Plunge in 2005, officially passed the torch to Supervisor Judi Bosworth. “I can’t think of a better reason to brave the cold than to support the Special Olympics New York and all of their wonderful athletes,” said Bosworth.
Among the plungers were Town Councilwomen Anna Kaplan and Dina De Giorgio. Councilwoman Kaplan made a commitment that she would plunge if she was able to raise $2,500. Kaplan ended up raising over $3,000 for Special Olympics New York, and was the leading individual fundraiser. Town Receiver of Taxes Charles Berman and Councilwoman Lee Seeman were also on hand.
The $85,000 raised will help support more than 200 Special Olympics athletes for a full year. This event is part of more than a dozen Polar Plunges annually in New York which last year raised nearly $1 million for Special Olympics New York.
North Hempstead Councilwoman Anna Kaplan, Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth, with Manhasset High School Track team members Russell Silva, Coach Steve Steiner, Daniel Petruso, Athan Anderson, Thomas Fruhauf and Matthew Weilep.
Former Supervisor Jon Kaiman passes the torch to Supervisor Judi Bosworth as the plungers are about to hit Hempstead Harbor.
Plungers sprint towards Hempstead Harbor.
The Special Olympics New York presents a plaque to the Town of North Hempstead. From left, Councilwoman Dina De Giorgio, Councilwoman Lee Seeman, Councilwoman Anna Kaplan, Former Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman with his daughter Iyana to his right, Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Diane Colonna of Special Olympics New York, Ted Lindner from WBAB 102.3 radio, and Town Receiver of Taxes Charles Berman.