Immediate Release July 11, 2005
Rocco Iannarelli, Receiver of Taxes announced that the second-half 2005 General Tax is now due and payable without penalty until Wednesday, August 10, 2005. If unpaid, the first-half 2005 General Tax and any penalties must be paid prior to or simultaneously with the second-half General Tax.
The US Postal Service must postmark mailed payments on or before the last day to pay without penalty. By law, office postage meters are not official postmarks (NYSRPTL-Sec 925). Mr. Iannarelli recommends that taxpayers mailing payments on the last day have their payments hand-stamped at the post office to ensure a timely postmark.
When making a payment by mail, please include the remittance stub(s) with your check in the return envelope (previously provided when your bill was mailed in January). If you misplaced your tax bill, please call the tax office at (516) 869-7800 to request a duplicate. Please have your School District, Section, Block and Lot number available. If paying in person, bring your entire bill. Please make your check payable to: ROCCO IANNARELLI, RECEIVER OF TAXES.
The Office of the Receiver of Taxes will be open from 9:00 am-7:00 pm on Wednesday, August 10, 2005 for your convenience. Additionally, payments may be made at local collection sites (listed at the bottom of the web page).
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