MEDIA CONTACTS: Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid, and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead to Introduce New Legislation on Carbon Monoxide Detectors
North Hempstead, NY – Last night, Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the North Hempstead Town Board voted unanimously to hold a public hearing on April 1st regarding amending the Town’s Local Law and requiring the installation and maintenance of carbon monoxide detectors in Places of Assembly and Places of Public Assembly.
Following the unfortunate circumstances at the Walt Whitman Mall last month, Supervisor Bosworth instructed the Town’s Building Department to survey random locations in the Town that are not currently required to have carbon monoxide detectors. Only six of the thirty seven locations surveyed had detectors installed voluntarily.
“Our thought process here was to investigate then legislate,” Supervisor Bosworth said. “The random survey provided the evidence we needed to move forward with this common sense legislation that is designed to enhance public safety.”
According to Town Code, places of assembly and public assembly area are any buildings arranged to accommodate a group of people for “amusement, athletic, civic, dining, educational, entertainment, patriotic, political, recreational, religious, social or similar purposes.”
The public hearing will take place during the regular Town Board meeting at North Hempstead Town Hall at 220 Plandome Road in Manhasset at 7:30pm.

Supervisor Bosworth speaks at a recent Town Board meeting with Councilwoman Lee Seeman and Dina De Giorgio on the right.