MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid, and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
Grand Street School Coming Down to Make Way for Affordable Housing
Town is looking for students who attended school
North Hempstead, NY – This July, the Grand Street School in New Cassel will be demolished by the Town of North Hempstead to make way for a new affordable housing development. While razing this blighted building will be a positive step in the revitalization of the New Cassel area, it is not without some sadness and a touch of nostalgia that some community members will say goodbye to this 87-year-old structure. It’s been 44 years since the building was used as an elementary school, but former students of Grand Street remember the experience with fondness.
Were you one of these students? We would love to hear from you! What do you remember about attending Grand Street? Do you have any old photos of that time? We’d like to invite you down to say goodbye to an old friend and join with the rest of the New Cassel community and Town officials as we turn the page in the history books and make way for a new addition.
Please call 516-869-7794 if you would like to be involved as we say goodbye to Grand Street School.