Get Ready for Jack Frost!
Town Holds 2nd Annual Seminar on Safety Tips
for Winter Weather
Immediate Release - Contact: David Chauvin (516) 869-7794 - November 4, 2005
Manhasset, NY – Supervisor Jon Kaiman and Councilman Tom Dwyer announced today that the Town of North Hempstead will once again be holding an informational seminar on what residents can do to protect themselves and their homes this winter. This second annual seminar, entitled “Getting Ready for Jack Frost,” will be held on Wednesday November 30th from 10:30am to 12:00pm at Clinton G. Martin Park in New Hyde Park. Among the issues that will be discussed are: health awareness, home safety, home heating, and how to winterize your home.
“Jack Frost is once again beginning to nip at our noses and it’s time for residents to take the necessary steps to protect their health and homes,” said Councilman Dwyer. “It’s important to look into alternative ways for our residents to get through these cold winter months. “
Among the featured speakers for the event are: Terri Kelly from Keyspan Energy; Jamie Iuculano of Willis Avenue Hardware; and North Hempstead Community Services Commissioner Madge Kaplan.
Supervisor Kaiman added that, “This seminar will discuss the precautions you can take to stay healthy, prevent home fires, and stop property damage from the cold and snow during the winter months.”
For more information regarding the Jack Frost program please call (516) 869-7696.