Town to Encourage Hybrid Taxis
Immediate Release - Contact: David Chauvin (516) 869-7794 - November 10, 2005
Manhasset, NY – Supervisor Jon Kaiman, Town Clerk Michelle Schimel and Councilman Thomas Dwyer announced recently that the North Hempstead Town Board voted unanimously to pass a local law to encourage the use of alternative energy vehicles in the For-hire vehicle industry. The Town Clerk’s office, which licenses taxicabs, livery cars and limousines, will offer a no cost licensing fee for one year for new alternative energy or hybrid electric vehicles added to their current fleet.
“The Town of North Hempstead is committed to promoting cleaner transportation options,” said Supervisor Kaiman. “Alternative energy vehicles assist in the reduction of air pollution. Hybrid electric vehicles, by lowering emissions, can reduce greenhouse gases and conserve fuel.”
Town Clerk Michelle Schimel added that, “I hope that this new incentive will encourage the use of such vehicles throughout the town.”
This past summer, Ms. Schimel and Councilman Dwyer joined the Sierra Club in sponsoring a drive and ride with the owners of taxi companies at Clinton G. Martin Park. Hybrid-electric vehicles from Honda, Toyotaand Ford were all represented in an effort to educate the industry about this new technology in transportation.
“It is vital for the future of the environment that we continue to look for energy alternatives,” commented Councilman Dwyer. “Approximately 90 percent of the environmental impact associated with motor vehicles occurs as they're being driven and with more and more cars on the road each year we need to do everything we can to find other options.”
The Town has already taken the lead by purchasing 7 hybrid electric vehicles for its fleet as well as a hybrid electric bus and the adoption of a Clean Car Policy for future Town vehicles.