MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid, and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
Town’s Project Independence Holds 2nd Annual Joint Advisory Committee Meeting
North Hempstead, NY – The Town of North Hempstead’s model aging-in-place senior program Project Independence (PI) welcomed dozens of program members and elected officials for its 2nd Annual Joint Advisory Committee meeting at Clinton G. Martin Park on June 16th. All six PI regions were represented at this meeting, which included Great Neck, Port Washington, Westbury/Carle Place, Mineola/Williston Park, New Hyde Park and Roslyn.
Speakers included representatives from each region who shared information on the latest happenings in their respective region as well as staffers from Project Independence who spoke about the various services that are provided. Elected officials also addressed the crowd including Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Councilwomen Anna Kaplan, Lee Seeman and Dina De Giorgio, Town Clerk Wayne Wink and Receiver of Taxes Charles Berman.
Supervisor Bosworth said of the PI Advisory committees, “Some of our mainstay programs that we enjoy today such as our transportation program and our Pedestrian safety committee were a result of advisory committee meetings. By having all of you as our eyes and ears in the senior community, we are able to respond to your needs and create and implement programs that are the most beneficial for senior residents in the Town.”
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Supervisor Bosworth talks with members of Project Independence.

Supervisor Bosworth with Project Independence members from the Westbury region.

Councilwoman Kaplan speaks with a Project Independence member.