Clark Botanic Garden Presents
“Fireside Chat” Lectures in March
Immediate Release - Contact: David Chauvin - February 6, 2006 (516) 869-7794
Albertson, NY- Supervisor Jon Kaiman and Councilman Thomas Dwyer announced this week the schedule of upcoming events to be held at North Hempstead’s Clark Botanic Garden. The “Fireside Chat” lecture, which will be held in March, will provide a truly unique look at our environment.
“I am excited by the varied and fascinating lectures that Clark Botanical Garden will be holding,” said Councilman Dwyer. “With Spring just around the corner, it is going to be a very exciting year for the garden.”
The events at Clark Botanic Garden will include:
Peter Warny Presents Backyard Ecology "Fireside Chat” March 5, 2:00pm
· Peter Warny, former zoologist with the Nature Conservancy and the New York Heritage Program will depict and discuss examples of backyard ecology, garden ponds, introduce invasive species and other "eco-phenomena". The presentation will be followed by a live animal "Show and Tell". Fee: $5.00 members $7.00 non-members
Dr. John Loret Presents Easter Island "Fireside Chat” March 26, 2:00pm
· Dr. John Loret, Director of the Science Museum of Long Island. Maritime historian and former president of the Explorer's Club will do a presentation on his many sojourns to the remote and mysterious Easter Island. Fee: $5.00 members $7.00 non-members
Clark Botanic Garden is a 12-acre living museum and educational facility. The garden is dedicated to understanding and appreciating the world's plant life through horticulture, education and research. Collections include native wildflowers, conifers, roses, perennials, daylilies, wetland plants, rock garden plants, herbs, butterfly plants, medicinal plants and over a dozen collections of particular plant families. Open 10:00am to 4:30pm daily.