MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid, and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
Town Receives More Funding for Post-Sandy Related Projects
North Hempstead, NY – Supervisor Judi Bosworth announced today that the Town of North Hempstead last week received an additional $2.4 million in funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for several Superstorm Sandy-related projects. The funding encompasses five projects throughout the Town, primarily in Manhasset and Port Washington.
David M. Shapiro Disaster Planning and Recovery Consultants (DMS) was procured by the Town in 2013 to help effectively plan and manage the process of recovery after Superstorm Sandy, while maximizing funding opportunities from FEMA.
“This FEMA funding will help us restore so many areas that are critical to the quality of life and infrastructure of the Town of North Hempstead,” Supervisor Bosworth said. “We look forward to continuing to work together with FEMA and DMS Disaster Consultants as we move along the path to recovery in the wake of Superstorm Sandy.”
Projects that are part of this $2.4 million package include:
- Bayview Avenue Shoreline-Roadway Stabilization, Manhasset ($266,852): The soil embankment that was washed out along Bayview Ave will be replaced, thereby protecting Bayview Ave from future storms. This includes approximately 165 linear feet of property with 360 cubic yards of fill.
- North Hempstead Beach Park South Parking Lot, Port Washington ($1.8 million): This parking lot was compromised by flooding during Superstorm Sandy, resulting in asphalt surface and aggregate sub-base failure. Work will include removing and replacing asphalt and replacing stone riprap.
- Trees Damaged by Saltwater, Town-wide ($101,094): 152 arborist-certified trees were killed due to saltwater intrusion from Sandy-related flooding. FEMA will cover the cost to remove and dispose of these trees.
- Robert Dayton Park, Port Washington ($75,739): This property is adjacent to Shore Road in Port Washington. Work will include repairing and replacing a retaining wall and replacing fill.
- Harbor Links Public Golf Course, Port Washington ($133,973): This project will repair and replace over 3,500 cubic yards of sand and materials that washed off the bluffs at the North-West border of the course. Several new tee boxes that were washed away will also be put in and cart paths will be repaired.
Since Superstorm Sandy, the Town has been approved for 28 projects from FEMA for a total of $34.7 million with 4 projects still pending approval, and 5 more pending submission.
If you have any further questions on Superstorm Sandy related recovery projects, please call 311.
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