FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 24, 2015
MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid, and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
Town to Hold Public Meeting on Plans for Petrus Park
North Hempstead, NY –North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Councilwoman Dina De Giorgio have announced that the Town will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at the Port Washington Senior Center to discuss plans for the new Alvan Petrus Park.
Attendees will have the opportunity to view proposed plans for the new park, and ask questions of Town officials and the project team from Cashin Associates. Officials will outline the existing conditions at the property and the preliminary program analysis and concept design.
The Port Washington Senior Center is located at 80 Manorhaven Blvd. For more information please call 311 or 516-869-6311.