MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid, and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
Town Bringing Paperless Parking to Port Washington Parking District Patrons
North Hempstead, NY – Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Councilwoman Dina De Giorgio and the Town Board announced that Port Washington Parking District patrons will soon be able to go paperless when acquiring their permits. The North Hempstead Town Board recently adopted a resolution to authorize an agreement with Gtechna USA to provide the Town with software and services to establish a paperless parking permit system for the Parking District. The agreement with Gtechna USA was approved at the November 17 Town Board meeting and was selected following a request for proposals.
“This new initiative will allow Port Washington Parking District residents to acquire their permits and vouchers online from anywhere at any time,” said Supervisor Judi Bosworth. “Not only will this be more convenient for our residents, but it will also save our taxpayers money.”
The new system will save a minimum of $150,000 over 10 years from the Parking District budget.
Residents who purchase the paperless permits will not receive any decals or stickers for their vehicles. Instead, the new system will use a license plate recognition (LPR) system that reads the cars' license plates and verifies whether the vehicles are registered with the necessary permits and vouchers.
The LPR automates license plate reading and identification, making it easier for parking districts and municipalities, to manage and control on and off street parking. Town parking enforcement officers will drive through Town parking lots throughout the day and “read” the license plates with a license plate recognition camera mounted on their Town vehicles.
Other municipalities that utilize the “pay by plate” system are the cities of Baltimore, MD; Buffalo, NY; Flint, MI; Galveston, TX; and Miami, FL. They have developed e-Citation software to automate law enforcement and parking activity for police and public works departments in North America.
“I am very excited for the Parking District to implement this convenient and cost effective parking permit service,” Councilwoman De Giorgio said. “Gtechna will help to alleviate some of the stress of commuter parking, while reducing expenses within the Parking District. I look forward to using ground-breaking technology to further assist in resolving parking issues throughout my District.”
The new program is scheduled to commence around the beginning of 2016. If residents cannot access a computer they can still come into the Parking District office and an employee will assist them in using the Gtechna website to purchase a permit or voucher. Electric vehicles will receive parking rate incentives.
For more information on the Port Washington Parking District please call 311, or log on to www.northhempsteadny.gov/portparking.

North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth, right, gets a demonstration from James A. Olivieri, CD of G-Techna, left, of the license plate reader technology.

From left, James A. Olivieri, CD of G-Techna shows how the license plate reader technology works. From left are Olivieri, North Hempstead Public Safety Commissioner Andrew DeMartin, North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Deputy Public Safety Commissioner Shawn Brown. The G-Techna LPR technology will be installed on one of the Town’s Code Enforcement vehicles.