MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid, and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
Five Town Officials Sworn In at Inaugural Ceremony
Bosworth, Berman, Kaplan, De Giorgio & Zuckerman all take oath of office
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth was sworn in for her 2nd term as Supervisor during an inaugural ceremony at Clinton G. Martin Park on January 3rd. Receiver of Taxes Charles Berman, along with re-elected Council Members Peter Zuckerman (District 2), Anna Kaplan (District 4), and Dina De Giorgio (District 6) also took their official oaths of office.
Following the oath of office ceremony administered by New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, Supervisor Bosworth, who was sworn in for her 2nd two-year term, addressed the crowd. She echoed the sentiments of United States Senator Charles Schumer who opened the program by celebrating the merits of the democratic process.
“Today we affirm once again that democracy works, government matters, public service is an honorable calling, and serving one’s community as an elected or appointed official is an honor, a privilege and a trust,” Supervisor Bosworth said.
She also went on to detail some of her fulfilled promises from her first inaugural address in 2014, including strengthening Town finances, and improving government transparency, and discussed some plans for the future including appointing a North Hempstead Parking Advisory Committee, and a “Friends of North Hempstead Parks” organization to support needed improvements in Town Parks.
The other town-wide officer re-elected this past November was Receiver of Taxes Berman, who was sworn in by former Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman (2004-2013) to begin his 2nd four-year term in that position. Berman said during his address, “It is my great honor to serve North Hempstead as Receiver of Taxes and I thank you all for the opportunity and for the trust you have placed in me. I have really focused on improving convenience and customer service for our residents and I will continue to do so.”
Three Town Council Members were also sworn in to office for four-year terms.
Council Member Zuckerman officially began his first full term, after first winning a special election in November 2014. The former Village of East Hills Trustee was sworn in by Village Mayor Michael Koblenz.
Zuckerman said, “I am so honored the voters reelected me to serve four more years. I will continue to use my experience as a Town Councilman, Village Trustee and community leader to be an effective advocate for maintaining our quality of life, holding down the cost of Town government, and helping to ensure the safety and security of our neighborhoods.”
Council Member Kaplan was sworn in by United States Congressman Steve Israel. Kaplan was first elected in 2011, becoming the first Iranian-American elected to municipal office in New York State.
“As a former political refugee and an immigrant myself, I will continue to speak for and listen to all the groups in District 4. Every resident matters and everybody’s voice needs to be heard,” Kaplan said during her speech. “The Town of North Hempstead is a Town for all and I pledge to all of you that I will do all I can to serve as one who unites and builds a bridge between all of the Town’s residents.”
Lastly, Council Member De Giorgio began her second term after first being elected in 2011. New York State Senator Jack Martins administered the oath of office to De Giorgio, who said of her plans for her second term, “I will continue to work my hardest to be the kind of public servant that every voter can rely upon and be proud of.”
The program also included the Presentation of Colors from the New York State Court Officers ceremonial unit from Nassau County, the Pledge of Allegiance from the Town’s Veterans Advisory Committee, and the National Anthem from vocalist Jung Eun Kim. Spiritual leaders were also on hand including Rabbi Shalom Paltiel who delivered the invocation, Mr. Shajahan Merchant who offered the blessing, and Rev. Michael Peynado of the Westbury Divine Church of God, who gave the benediction. The program wrapped up with a rendition of “God Bless America” and “Let There Be Peace on Earth” from the North Hempstead Senior Chorus.
To check out footage from the Inaugural ceremony log on to www.myNHTV.com or watch North Hempstead TV (NHTV) on Channel 18/63 on Cablevision or Channel 46 on Verizon FIOS. The program will be available beginning January 14.

From left, Town Clerk Wayne Wink, Council Member Peter Zuckerman, Council Member Lee Seeman, Supervisor Bosworth, Council Member Anna Kaplan, Council Member Dina De Giorgio, Council Member Viviana Russell and Receiver of Taxes Charles Berman.

State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli administers the oath of office to Supervisor Bosworth.

Supervisor Bosworth gives her inaugural address.

State Senator Jack Martins administers the oath of office to Council Member De Giorgio.

U.S. Congressman Steve Israel administers the oath of office to Council Member Kaplan.

Former Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman administers the oath of office to Receiver of Taxes Berman.

East Hills Village Mayor Michael Koblenz administers the oath of office to Council Member Zuckerman.