MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Sam Marksheid, and Vicki DiStefano | (516) 869-7794
Supervisor Bosworth Delivers 3rd State of the Town Address
Focuses on quality of life, protecting environment
& inclusion of those with disabilities
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth today delivered her third State of the Town address, which focused on many quality of life issues for Town residents, such as development of downtowns, park improvements, infrastructure projects that will reduce the nitrogen content in the Town’s surrounding bays and harbors and more accessible parking. The Supervisor spoke before a crowd of hundreds of local government officials, dignitaries and residents. The speech was part of a luncheon program hosted by the League of Women Voters of Port Washington-Manhasset, which has hosted this event for 36 years.
“There is nothing more important to me than serving our residents, enhancing our quality of life and running the government in an open and transparent manner,” Supervisor Bosworth said. “I believe that every law we pass, every initiative we put forth and every issue we might oppose is rooted in the belief that we are here to serve the residents of North Hempstead.”
Supervisor Bosworth delivered her speech before a backdrop of snow-covered hills and fairways at the Clubhouse at Harbor Links golf course in Port Washington. The address began with the pledge of allegiance, led by the members of the Town’s Veterans Advisory Committee, which was formed in June 2014.
The 35-minute speech focused on many of the accomplishments of her first term in office, as well as her specific goals and priorities for 2016 and beyond. She pointed to the Town’s strong financial standing, excellent bond rating and lower debt as a firm foundation for the Town.
Last fall Moody's Investors Service reaffirmed the Town's stable fiscal outlook, citing the Town’s conservative financial management practices and the reduction of debt by a total of more than $30 million over the past two years.
“The entire budget process, from beginning draft to final version and vote, was entirely transparent and collaborative,” she said. “I am very proud to report that, for the second consecutive year, there was unanimous, bi-partisan approval of the budget before Election Day. The 2016 budget is fiscally conservative and stays under the State-mandated .73 percent tax cap, which presents a continuing challenge to our Town and all municipalities. And next year, with a zero percent cap, we will face an even greater challenge. With the help of our strong financial team I’m confident that we’re up to that challenge.”
One of the highlights of the Supervisor’s many 2016 initiatives includes a $450,000 water infrastructure grant from New York State, which will allow the Town to replace the aging septic system at North Hempstead Beach Park with a sewer system.
“The fact that our park, so close to Hempstead Harbor, was not connected to sewers was shocking,” she stated. “I knew that we had to address this as soon as possible and this grant will help to jump start this project. Minimizing the nitrogen content in our harbor and waterways is critical to the health of our water and our residents.”
Supervisor Bosworth also announced that the Town will be collaborating with Vision Long Island, a facilitator of community planning, to discuss downtown revitalization efforts and how the Town can best utilize its pooled resources for downtowns.
“It is my hope that by working with Vision Long Island and our Planning Commissioner we can address some of the issues of empty storefronts in our downtowns,” she said.
The Supervisor also expressed a strong continued commitment to the disabled community and announced the creation of a Disability Advisory Committee which will serve to advise the Town on issues pertaining to those with disabilities.
“I hope to expand opportunities for those residents with disabilities, with more programs like the special volunteer program we offered this summer at Clark Botanic Garden that gave individuals with vision and hearing loss and those with intellectual disabilities, a chance to volunteer,” she said.
Other initiatives for 2016 include:
• The Town named a firm to create a design and direct the visioning of North Hempstead Beach Park, to make it the premier recreational facility it can be.
• Calling for the full re-opening of the Sixth Precinct on Community Drive so that residents throughout the town can have the police protection they deserve, resulting in safer communities.
• Forming a North Hempstead Parking Advisory Committee to study the parking availability throughout the entire Town and suggesting some ways it might be improved.
• Reducing plastics in the water and waste stream by introducing compostable leaf disposal bags with the hope that people will use them instead of the black plastic bags that end up in the waste stream; and a fishing line receptacles program that places low cost receptacles along Town Dock and other fishing piers to reduce the incidences of marine life becoming entangled in fishing line left on the dock or thrown in the water.
As Supervisor Bosworth closed, she stated: “I will continue to draw from the Town’s past as we plan for its future. We will stay true to our history and reputation as a forward-thinking, progressive place to live. I look forward with anticipation to another great year for our Town in 2016 as we stand together to meet any and all challenges.”
Please call 311 or (516) 869-6311 from outside North Hempstead to request a copy of the State of the Town Speech. You can also log on to www.northhempsteadny.gov/stateofthetown to view the speech. By February 9th, the video of the speech will be available on www.mynhtv.com.

North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth at the 2016
State of the Town address.