MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Sam Marksheid, and Vicki DiStefano | (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead Aircraft Noise Committee Releases Newsletter Reporting on Initiatives and Possible Remedies
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the Town Board announced that the Town’s Aircraft Noise Public Education and Outreach Committee has released a newsletter, which is now available on the Town’s website. The newsletter includes articles regarding the rise of aircraft noise in the Town, how it affects the quality of life, information about local initiatives and possible remedies for the problem. You can read the full report at: www.northhempsteadny.gov/aircraftnoise.
“Airplane noise is a quality of life issue that affects our residents and these committees serve as a conduit to bring their concerns to our federal officials and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),” said Supervisor Bosworth.
Two aircraft noise committees were created in April 2015 after a change in flight patterns resulted in an increase in aircraft noise in the Town. The Aircraft Noise Technical Advisory Committee is chaired by Leonard Schaier of Port Washington and the Town’s Aircraft Noise Public Education and Outreach Committee is chaired by New Hyde Park resident Fran Gould, with members Elaine Miller, Jana Goldenberg, Natalie Mansbach, Sid Kaminsky and Jeffrey Starin. Deputy Town Attorney Ian Steinberg serves as liaison to both committees. The committees serve in an advisory role to elected officials in the Town on the issue of airplane noise.
“This is an issue I have been involved with since my days as a village trustee,” said Council Member Peter Zuckerman. “Our committee on airplane noise is a great voice for everyone impacted and I will continue to support and applaud their efforts.”
Council Member Angelo Ferrara stated: “This is an issue that has been going on for years. Our residents deserve to have the quality of life they expected when moving here and certainly deserve.”
“Noise impacts us all. It’s a true quality of life issue,” said Council Member Lee Seeman. “Let’s work hard to remediate it.”
“Our Town residents expect and deserve a certain quality of life,” said Council Member Anna Kaplan. “As the councilwoman for North Hempstead’s 4th District, I will continue to stand with our constituents and work with all levels of government to mitigate the impact of aircraft noise on our constituents.”
Council Member Viviana Russell said: “I am grateful for the work that the committee has been doing in conjunction with the Town to find ways to help lessen the impact of airplane noise on our residents.”
“Aircraft noise pollution is a serious issue for residents of my council district and the entire Town of North Hempstead,” said Council Member Dina De Giorgio. “It is a problem that is not only a nuisance, but affects our very quality of life on daily basis. And so I thank the volunteers on the committee for their continued efforts on finding a solution to this problem”.
Since the formation of the committees, members have regularly attended Airplane Noise Community Roundtable discussions with the New York Port Authority. The Port Authority has established airport community roundtables in collaboration with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and community representatives. The roundtable meetings are held on a regularly scheduled basis to provide ongoing opportunities for the members of the community to maintain open communication with the Port Authority and the FAA in order to seek mutual and feasible ways to manage airport noise impacts. The roundtables also receive regular updates on the Part 150 Studies from the Port Authority and its consultants. The study is designed to identify existing noise levels and noise levels in the next five years, from 2016 to 2021, and recommend ways to reduce the impacts on residents.
For more information about the Aircraft Noise committees and initiatives, or if you are interested in serving on a committee, call 311 or 516-869-6311.

Cover of the aircraft noise newsletter.