MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Sam Marksheid, and Vicki DiStefano | (516) 869-7794
Supervisor Continues Reorganization of Key Areas of Government to Increase Efficiency & Transparency
North Hempstead, NY – Over the past several months North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth has taken major steps to reorganize her administrative staff to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness of the office and to increase transparency with the addition of a procurement officer. The staffing changes are budget neutral.
“I have been doing some reorganization of my office to increase the effectiveness and to increase transparency, while making the best possible use of the skills my professional team brings to the Town and its residents,” said Supervisor Bosworth.
Some of the changes include:
- Deputy Supervisor Aline Khatchadourian will take on expanded responsibilities as all Town departments will now report to her or one of her direct reports. Ms. Khatchadourian will retain leadership and oversight of the Supervisor’s fiscal policy to make sure the Town can continue to offer excellent services and remain within the tax cap. In addition, both the comptroller and director of finance will report to her.
- The position of Director of Procurement will be filled by Moira LaBarbera, an attorney experienced in municipal and procurement law. The Supervisor created the new position to help the Town make procurements more comprehensible and to expand its reach to potential vendors including minority and women owned firms.
- The hiring of a new Finance Director, Jessica Lamendola. Ms. Lamendola was formerly Fiscal Projects Manager for the Nassau County Office of Management and Budget. She has previously worked at Moody’s, analyzing local government credits, and overseeing FEMA compliance for a private firm. She will take primary responsibility for the annual capital plan, work with the Comptroller’s office on financings and supervise grant activities and compliance with FEMA requirements as the Town starts the rebuilding projects that FEMA has approved.
- The hiring of Stephen Mazza, as Director of Constituent Affairs. Mr. Mazza who joins the Town after 20 years at American Express where he was chief of staff for a global division of over 500 employees. Steve, a resident of Manhasset, will oversee the constituent relations aspect of this office and oversee the Supervisor’s office staff. He will also work with the legislative aides to keep all the council offices up to date on all issues.
- Robert Troiano will become the Supervisor’s Senior Policy Advisor and will focus on key projects where government and community interests intersect, such as the proposed third track for the Long Island Railroad. He will continue to advise and counsel the Supervisor on issues facing the Town, County, and State, represent the Supervisor on the labor-management committee and oversee the Town’s relationship to the Housing Authority, the Community Development Agency and all advisory boards.
- Director of Communications Carole Trottere will take on the additional responsibilities of some of the Town’s community outreach projects, such as the recent polling concerning the Clinton G. Martin Park pool refurbishment.