MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Sam Marksheid, and Vicki DiStefano | (516) 869-7794
Majority of Residents in Park District Favor Renovation of CGM Pool
Town looks to scale back plan and still address majority of residents’ wishes, while reducing costs
North Hempstead, NY – The Clinton G. Martin Pool survey results are in, and New Hyde Park Special District residents gave their opinion on whether the pool should be renovated and to what extent. In June, North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the Town Board mailed a survey to all 12,877 properties of the Special Park District requesting feedback regarding proposals for the renovation of pool facility and heard back from 1,717 respondents.
Approximately 65 percent of the people (1,109 people) submitting surveys supported some form of renovation for the 50-year-old pool, with 24.64 (423 people) percent of the respondents supporting Plan 1, a basic infrastructure improvement of the pool at a cost of about $9M; and 39.95 (686 people) percent of the respondents supporting Plan 2, a $15M renovation of the pool and its facilities.
“We were very pleased at the overall response we received from residents, who sent us their completed surveys by mail, email, fax and by personal delivery,” said Supervisor Bosworth. “I believe we have a good sense of what the residents want and what they are willing to pay for. We will be looking to find a ‘middle of the road’ compromise between both plans, so that we can deliver the most desired components of the renovation, while keeping costs down.”
There were two options offered in the survey that would allow the pool to stay open and remain an active part of the community. In both options, the footprint of the main pool remains the same, including all swim lanes.
Plan 1 would include replacing only the infrastructure of the pool and its internal components (pumps filters, etc.). This option would not change the appearance of the pool facility and would cost approximately $9 million.
Plan 2 would replace the infrastructure and also redesign the entire facility, adding many amenities such as locker room improvements, more shade area, façade renovations, spray features, and a recreation room for park district residents only. This would cost approximately $15 million.
Based upon the responses to the survey, the Town asked the architects and engineers to develop a hybrid version of Plan 1 and Plan 2 that addresses the majority of the community’s concerns while reducing costs.
The majority of the community did not support the water slide proposal. Other questions that addressed the aesthetic improvements of the exterior pool facilities buildings also did not receive support from a majority of respondents. However, the Town will be making improvements to the interior of the building, including renovating the outdated locker rooms, and will also be adding a recreational room for seasonal usage and improving the tennis courts.
A September meeting will be scheduled to update the community on the plan for Clinton G. Martin Pool. Please continue to check Town’s website: www.northhempsteadny.gov/cgmpoolproject or call 311 for the date and location of the meeting.