FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 6, 2016
MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Sam Marksheid, and Vicki DiStefano | (516) 869-7794
Town’s ‘Bat Night’ at Clark Garden a Flying Success
Dozens of residents learn about bats; how to build a bat box; view bats during bat walk
North Hempstead, NY – The Town of North Hempstead’s Bat Night, held at Clark Botanic Garden on August 30, was a huge success, according to Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth, who said more than 80 people of all ages attended to learn about bats, bat boxes and to take part in a bat observation tour. The evening was attended by Town Clerk Wayne Wink and Council Member Peter Zuckerman.
“The success of this event is a great barometer for how interested people are in bats!” said the Supervisor. “We plans to offer a bat-box building workshop in the early spring of 2017 for residents to come in and build their own for a small fee. The increased interest in bats and their ecological importance in our environment is so important and I am very pleased that events like Bat Night can help spread the word.”
Sponsored by the Town’s Department of Parks and Recreation, Bat Night offered an informational lecture on the ecological importance of bats and a bat safari with biologist Eric Powers of Your Connection to Nature. Yianni Biniaris of Boy Scout Plandome Troop 71 also discussed his Eagle Scout project with the audience, which aims to build and place 30 bat boxes throughout the Town’s parks. (To view how to build your own bat box, see Episode 4 of North Hempstead TV’s Off the Trail: http://www.mynhtv.com/off-the-trail/)
Sarah Testoni, leader of Girl Scout Troop 1825 and Deputy Parks Supervisor John Darcy educated attendees about the ecological importance of bats as a form of pesticide-free insect control and their critical role as pollinators. Biologist Ranger Eric Powers of Your Connection to Nature gave an informative lecture on the biology of bats and their role in controlling mosquito populations. Yianni and Ranger Powers also gave a demonstration on how to build a bat house.
As the sun descended, attendees headed out with Ranger Powers on a bat observation safari and observed live bats as they flew overhead in Clark Botanic Garden.
The program was sponsored in part by Bayles Garden Center and Nursery, Buttercooky Bakery and Thrive Naturally. Girl Scout Troop 1825 also provided assistance to the Parks staff and the attendees.
Clark Botanic Garden is located at 193 I.U. Willets Road, in Albertson. For more information, please call 311 or 516-869-6311.
Serving over 222,000 people, the Town of North Hempstead’s governing body is headed by the Town Supervisor, Judi Bosworth and six Town Board members: Viviana L. Russell, Peter J. Zuckerman, Angelo P. Ferrara, Anna M. Kaplan, Lee R. Seeman and Dina M. De Giorgio. The Town Clerk is Wayne Wink and the Receiver of Taxes is Charles Berman.
Have you tuned into North Hempstead TV lately? View all of our great programming on Channels 18 or 63 on Cablevision or Channel 46 on Verizon, or visit www.myNHTV.com or www.youtube.com/townofnorthhempstead.

Parks Commissioner Jill Weber, Eric Powers of Your Connection to Nature, Boy Scout Yianni Biniaris, Council Member Peter Zuckerman and Town Clerk Wayne Wink look over a bat box.

Biologist Eric Powers of Your Connection to Nature leads a walk through the garden to look for bats.