FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 23, 2016
MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Sam Marksheid, and Vicki DiStefano | (516) 869-7794
Volunteers Needed for Annual Manhasset Bay Beach International Coastal Cleanup
North Hempstead, NY – Town of North Hempstead is pleased to once again be teaming up with the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee and the NYS American Littoral Society for a volunteer coastal cleanup on October 8 at 9:30 a.m. at Manorhaven Beach Park in Port Washington.
The coastal cleanup aims to prevent trash from entering the ocean, raise public awareness about the issue of ocean pollution and teach people that their actions on the land have an impact downstream. Additionally, as part of the cleanup the volunteers will document what they collect to help identify what pollution is an issue and to help devise a strategy to deal with it at the source.
Volunteers are asked to bring drinking water, old clothes, protective shoes that can get wet, hat, sunscreen and bug repellent. Latex gloves, trash bags, drinks and snacks will be provided at the event.
This volunteer event is suitable for all ages. Please register by Wednesday, October 5. To register please contact Sarah Deonarine at 516-869-7983 or by email at mbpcexec@gmail.com.
Manorhaven Beach Park is located at 158 Manorhaven Blvd., Port Washington. For more information please call 311 or (516) 869-6311.