North Hempstead's Committee Against Family Violence will be sponsoring its
5th annual event marking National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
This October, North Hempstead's Committee Against Family Violence will be sponsoring its
5th annual event marking National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This year's "Wake-up Call Against Family Violence," a breakfast for community leaders – will take place on Thursday, October 9 at 8:00 AM in the Clinton G. Martin Community Center on Marcus Avenue at the corner of New Hyde Park Road.
This year the focus of the program will be "Teenage relationship violence – violence that begins during the school years." The keynote speaker will be Family Court Judge Kenneth Diamond.
A panel of experts, moderated by Sandy Oliva, Executive Director of the Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic Violence, will discuss this issue. The panelists will be Professor Kirkland C. Vaughans, a clinical psychologist; Pearl Greenfield, a school social worker and Vasso Tournasis who will speak of her own experience as a survivor of vicious abuse that began in her teens. A question and answer period will follow.
Teen dating violence is a growing problem. Reports say that it parallels adult domestic violence in its frequency – that abuse occurs in one out of five relationships. For victims, the outcomes of relationship abuse are far reaching. They may include a reduction in academic potential due to anxiety, distraction or depression; injury, illness or chronic pain; unwanted pregnancy; truancy or dropping out of school. All too often, adults do not recognize the dangerousness of this behavior and there is no appropriate intervention.
Teachers have few guidelines to follow if they observe abuse or are approached for help. Most schools have failed to establish protocols to deal with student safety in situations of dating violence until after a tragedy occurs on campus.
This is an important program for all who are involved with teens – youth group staff, secondary school personnel, parents, grandparents. Information and shared efforts will save lives.
At the Breakfast, Men Against Violence Against Women will distribute white ribbons, the symbol of men's opposition to violence against women.
For more information about the North Hempstead Committee on Family Violence, contact Committee Chair, Deena Lesser at 869-7700. However, if someone you know needs help, call the hotline number of the Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 542-0404.
The "Wake Up Call" Breakfast on Thursday, October 9 at 800 AM at Clinton G. Martin Park in New Hyde Park is free, however an RSVP to 869-7700 is a must.