FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 23, 2017
MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Sam Marksheid, and Vicki DiStefano | (516) 869-7794
Couples Reaffirm Vows at North Hempstead Valentine’s Day Event
North Hempstead, NY – Town Clerk Wayne Wink, Supervisor Judi Bosworth and other Town officials attended North Hempstead’s eighth annual Marriage Recommitment Ceremony, held at Harbor Links Clubhouse in Port Washington on February 14. The ceremony, which was officiated by Town Clerk Wink, offered married couples the opportunity to reaffirm their vows to each other on Valentine’s Day. Also on hand at the ceremony were Council Members Peter Zuckerman, Anna Kaplan and Lee Seeman.
“I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than to spend it with all these loving couples as they renew their marriage vows,” said Supervisor Bosworth. “It’s an inspiration to see their commitment to each other and to their marriages.”
“It is my pleasure to officiate this ceremony and celebrate Valentine’s Day with these inspiring couples who have been committed to each other for many years,” said Town Clerk Wink.
Over 45 couples renewed their vows at this year’s ceremony, many of them after being married for over 50 years. This year’s longest married couple was Larry and Ruth Shifman from New Hyde Park, who have been married for 75 years.
Rose and Charles Cipolla from Port Washington have been married for 63 years and attend the ceremony each year as a way to recommit their vows. They also credit their successful marriage to learning how to “hold back and think before getting angry and allow for one another to make mistakes.”
The residents who attended the event enjoyed a champagne toast and lunch after the ceremony.
To view a North Hempstead TV program on this event featuring interviews with numerous couples who participated in last year’s event, log on to www.myNHTV.com or watch NHTV on Channel 18/63 on Cablevision and Channel 46 on Verizon FIOS.

Joseph & Rebecca Morrison, James & Barbara Sandquist, Nassau County Legislator Ellen Birnbaum, Council Member Peter Zuckerman, Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Town Clerk Wayne Wink, Council Member Lee Seeman, Council Member Anna Kaplan, Estelle & Arnold Rynston, Larry & Ruth Shifman, at the recommitment ceremony.