MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Sam Marksheid, and Vicki DiStefano | (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead Passes Ethics and Anti-Nepotism Reform Package
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the Town Board yesterday unanimously approved a slate of ethics reforms and a new anti-nepotism law that will bolster and clarify the Town Code of Ethics. The new legislation was proposed by the Town’s Ethics Working Group comprised of six members, including Council members Peter Zuckerman and Dina DeGiorgio, Town Planning Commissioner Michael Levine, local attorney John Brickman and Ethics Board members Rev. Charles Vogeley and Hon. Richard Kestenbaum. The purpose of the working group was to review the Town’s current ethics codes and policies with a goal of providing recommendations that would strengthen the Town’s Ethics Laws.
“I believe that these changes to our Code of Ethics and the anti-nepotism law will increase openness and transparency in our government, and give taxpayers a sense of comfort and trust in their Town government, its elected officials and those doing business with the Town,” said Supervisor Bosworth. “This slate of reforms set the bar high and will eliminate any uncertainty about Town process.”
Joseph Sciame, Chair of the Town of North Hempstead’s Board of Ethics, said “I, with each member of the Board of Ethics, take great pride in the work we have done over the years, and now we enjoy anew reaffirmation of what is best for our increased and strengthened review of the Code of Ethics and the anti-nepotism law. We continue with our high standards of review and provide to our Town members continued transparency."
Highlights of the reforms include:
• A requirement that any conflict of interest be disclosed and the Town employee recuse himself or herself from the matter involving the conflict.
• A prohibition on Town employees having any personal interest in Town contracts, or interests that are directly or indirectly connected with official duties.
• A prohibition on any Town employee accepting outside employment that conflicts with their Town position
• Places clearer restrictions on Town employee receiving gifts.
• Prohibits Town employees from taking any part in the employment, discipline or supervision of a relative
• A prohibition on employing relatives of Town elected officials
• A requirement that any potential conflict of interests disclosed on the annual statement of financial disclosure be investigated by the Board of Ethics.
For more information on this and other subjects, call 311.
(Left to Right): John Brickman, Member of the Board of Ethics and the Ethics Working Group; Rabbi Robert Widom, Member of the Board of Ethics; North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth; Council Member Peter Zuckerman, Member of the Ethics Working Group.