MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Sam Marksheid, and Vicki DiStefano | (516) 869-7794
Town Reminds Residents to Call 311 to Report Illegal Discharges into Storm Water System
North Hempstead, NY – Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the Town Board are urging residents to call the Town’s 311 Call System to report any pollution that they observe entering the roadways and the storm drains.
Contrary to popular belief, the storm drains do not carry water to treatment plants. The pollution from storm water is carried to the drains, and is discharged directly to Hempstead Harbor, Manhasset Bay and Little Neck Bay. For this reason, we also remind residents to clean up after dogs and not to throw litter or cigarette butts in the road.
Illegal discharges would include oils and auto fluids, failing septic systems, fluids seeping from dumpsters and garbage trucks, large deposits of sediment or construction dust, wash water from commercial car washes, or food grease from restaurants.
“It is imperative that we protect our waterways, along with the wildlife who call it home,” said Supervisor Bosworth. “We are asking the public to keep a watchful eye and assist our Code Enforcement, Building and Highway departments in keeping pollutants out of our storm water system.”
Callers should be ready to describe the specific location of the discharge, to describe the possible source of the fluids, and to describe the discharge in terms of color, odor, bubbles, etc.
Residents should be on the lookout for the following sources of pollution entering the roadways:
• Failing septic systems
• Illegal dumping of restaurant grease, oils or auto fluids
• “Dumpster juice” from dumpsters or trucks
• Wash water from commercial car washes
• Large deposits of sediment or construction dust
• “Mystery” fluids with strange colors, odors, bubbles, or opaqueness.
Residents can contact the Town Call Center by calling 311 or 516-869-6311. 311 is also available online at www.northhempsteadny.gov/311online.