MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Sam Marksheid, and Vicki DiStefano | (516) 869-7794
Town Urges Residents to Prepare Now for this Hurricane Season!
North Hempstead, NY – With the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season kicking off on June 1, Supervisor Judi Bosworth, the Town Board, and the Town’s Office of Emergency Management would like to remind residents that it is important to prepare ahead of time and be aware of safety precautions that can help protect your family.
“Being prepared is the best way to stay safe during a natural disaster or emergency situation,” Supervisor Bosworth said. “Our Office of Emergency Management strives to provide residents with all the tools and information necessary to protect themselves and their families in the event of a natural disaster.”
Residents can prepare for a hurricane emergency with these helpful tips:
• Families should have an emergency kit containing: water, batteries, non-perishable food, flashlights, a first aid kit and can opener. There should be enough supplies to last five days for each family member.
• Be aware of the emergency evacuation routes in your community.
• Create a family emergency plan with a meeting spot, contact numbers, and exits from your home.
• Plan in advance for pets. Create an animal emergency supply kit with food, water, and other supplies; and research hotels and motels that accept pets.
• Check in on the elderly during emergencies and ensure that they have all the supplies necessary to cope with an emergency situation.
• Create a network of neighbors, relatives and friends who can assist you during an emergency if you need help.
• Have a copy of medical information including a listing medications and health records and make provisions for any medications that require refrigeration.
Two years ago, the Town received funding from Adelphi University as part of their Long Island Resilient Communities Grant, which created a public awareness campaign aimed at informing Town residents about steps to take in order to be prepared for man-made and natural disasters, including hurricanes. The campaign included a newly re-designed Town Emergency Management website, as well as a one-minute Public Service Announcement.
The one-minute PSA offers a somewhat satirical look at hurricane preparation, while addressing the many items that should be included in an emergency preparedness kit. It is available in three languages: English, Spanish, and Mandarin. To view the PSA, or for more information on hurricane preparedness, including the Town’s official Hurricane Preparedness Guide, please log on to www.northhempsteadny.gov/ready.
In addition, residents are reminded to sign up for North Hempstead Alert, which provides emergency updates through emails, text messages and phone calls. You can sign up by visiting www.northhempsteadny.gov/ready or by calling (516) 869-6311.
Lastly, additional hurricane safety resources through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are available online at: www.ready.gov. In case of power outages or gas leaks, PSEG Long Island can be reached at 1-800-490-0025 and National Grid can be reached at 1-800-930-5003.