Immediate Release Contact: Justin Meyers
March 9, 2006 (516) 869-7794
Town Offers Youth Defensive Driving Course
Manhasset, NY- North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman announced that for the first time the town will be sponsoring an Empire Safety defensive driving course specifically for youth drivers, between the ages of 16 to 25.
“This is a great opportunity for the youth of North Hempstead to reduce insurance costs, cut penalty points and increase personal driving safety skills,” Supervisor Kaiman said. “I hope all those who qualify for this course will be able to take advantage of it.”
Upon receiving a check for the course the Town will reserve a spot in the program and mail a confirmation letter. All checks should have a name, address, and phone number, for the individual attending the program. In the event that any changes are made to the course it is important the Town be able to contact those who are registered for the program.
To register for the Empire Safety course, checks should be made payable to Steve Donnolly for $38.00, and sent to Mrs. Derrick at the Town of North Hempstead, Department of Community Services, 1601 Marcus Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040. If you have any questions please call Mrs. Derrick at 869-7719.
The course will be held on Saturday, May 19, 2007, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at the Clinton G. Martin Park, 1601 Marcus Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY.
There will be a break for lunch.