First-half 2004 General Taxes are now due and must be postmarked by February 10, 2004 to avoid a penalty. For more information, please go to the 2004 General Tax page. The 2004 General Tax Levy covers the fiscal year January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004.
The Receiver of Taxes' Office is open Monday–Friday, 9 am–4:45 pm. For your convenience, the Tax Office will be open until 7:00 pm on Tuesday, February 10, 2004.
The fiscal affairs of each school district are the responsibility of the Board of Education, an elected body. The Town has no control over school taxes and acts only as an agent to collect and distribute school taxes. All school taxes are disbursed to the individual school districts.
You have the right to file a grievance/challenge on your assessment. The assessed value of your property and current ratio of assessment to market value are listed on your tax bill. The next grievance period is January 2, 2004 – March 1, 2004. During the grievance period, you may examine the assessment rolls and obtain grievance applications (Form RP-524-SAU 1-97) at the Nassau County Department of Assessment, 240 Old Country Rd., Mineola, NY. For further information about the grievance process, please call (516) 571-1500 after December 31, 2003. Information is also available at Nassau County Department of Assessment website. |