MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Vicki DiStefano and Matt Leonenko | (516) 869-7794
Major Streetscape Project Set for Port Washington’s Main Street
Plan to enhance attractiveness & safety to begin early August 2018
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Councilmember Dina De Giorgio announced today that a major streetscape improvement project for Port Washington’s Main Street will commence in early August that will improve traffic flow, add greenery and brick pavers, and make Main Street a friendlier place for pedestrians and cyclists.
The $1 million project, part of the Town’s Capital Improvement Plan, will focus mainly on the area in the vicinity of the Long Island Rail Road Port Washington station and will enhance the attractiveness, functionality, safety and visual uniformity of the Main Street corridor.
“The Town recognizes the importance of a vibrant downtown Port Washington. This streetscape project will make traveling down Main Street a more pleasurable experience for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists alike” said Supervisor Bosworth. “We are looking forward to making improvements to the curbs and sidewalks, installing medians as well as improving drainage on the streets. Not only will these beautification projects increase safety, but they will also help add character to our community.”
“Our new streetscape is a continuing commitment to invest in our local economy and to improve the everyday experience of our residents” said Councilmember De Giorgio. “This project’s substantial infrastructure investments will improve drainage, including the addition of a rain garden, increase walkability, and improve safety for pedestrians, while also beautifying Main Street.”
The project will include:
- The removal and reconstruction of the sidewalks and curbs on both sides of Main Street between Port Washington Boulevard on the east end and Irma Avenue on the northwest, Haven Avenue on the southwest end.
- Curb extensions on Maryland Avenue and Haven Avenue
- The installation of flush medians on Haven Avenue and Main Street at the Long Island Railroad Station. Work in this area includes concrete pavement and curbing, brick work, site furniture and drainage work.
- The removal of trees that have been deemed to be diseased or which have caused extensive damage to sidewalks, curbs and street pavement. This will be done to accommodate new street grades. The removal will be conducted with the expertise of independent arborists who carefully inspected and evaluated the trees along Main Street, Irma Avenue and Haven. When possible the Town will plant replacement trees throughout the project area.
The Streetscape Improvement plan was designed as a result of a series of planning exercises conducted for the Main Street corridor. The Town thanked community partners which included the Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District, the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce, the Port Washington Police Department, and the Port Washington Volunteer Fire Department for their input and ideas to improve Main Street.
The project expected to begin the first week of August and is estimated to take about six months to complete. The engineering and consulting firm of NV5 was awarded the contract for the project.
During this time of construction businesses on Main Street or anyone using Main Street may experience some inconvenience due to sidewalk reconstruction, but this will be temporary. For more information please call the Town’s 311 Call Center.
For more information on the arborist report and tree inventory visit: www.northhempsteadny.gov/pwarborist