Immediate Release Contact: Justin Meyers
May 30, 2007 (516) 869-7610
Town of North Hempstead Holds First
“Home Safe Home” Event
Manhasset, NY- The Town of North Hempstead announced today that on Tuesday June 12, 2007 at 10:30am at Charles J. Fuschillo Park, 200 Carle Place Rd. in Carle Place, the Town will introduce a new event entitled “Home Safe Home,” sponsored the Senior Citizen Advisory Commission of the Town of North Hempstead. The event will provide seniors with specific ways to adapt their home for safe living and will focus on two of the most important safety concerns affecting seniors: fire safety and fall prevention
The program will last approximately 90 minutes and will be moderated by Dr. John B. Haney, Chairman of the Commission. Guest speakers for the event include Sarah Adams, who will tell her families personal “Home Safe Home” story, as well Antiliano Estrella, Assistant Deputy State Fire Marshall for the Providence Fire Department in Rhode Island and Dr. Joel Ziev, founder and Director of Partners for Access (PFA), LLC, which offers disability access, consulting and support services for the public and private sector.
“This event will teach everyone how to create a safe home environment that may prevent future disasters. In addition, it will also provide seniors with ideas on ways to stay in their home rather than other alternatives including a nursing home or assisted living,” said Councilman Fred Pollack, Town liaison to the Senior Commission, as well as one of the event organizers.
The first keynote speaker, Mr. Estrella, is an expert in the field of fire safety and prevention on national, regional, and state level. He has served as a consultant and technical advisor for the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the National Association of Hispanic Firefighters (NAHFF), conducting training throughout the United States. As a Firefighters and an Emergency Medical Technician he has served with courage in the Fire Suppression and Emergency Medical Services of the Providence Fire Department. His primary focus has been addressing fire and life safety problems and risks in high rise buildings, schools and neighborhoods. In addition, he served as a leading team member of a multi-agency task force called Emergency Medicals Services for Children that produced programs for injury prevention for the Latin community.
Dr. Ziev, the second keynote speaker, is founder and Director of PFA, Dr. Ziev offers consulting and support on disability access for public and private agencies and organizations, as well as hospitals on addressing the special program and access needs of people with disabilities. He currently serves as an advisor to the Town of North Hempstead on issues of concern to seniors as well as access to programs and services for people with disabilities.
Dr. Ziev earned his Doctorate in Education from New York University. He has served on many City, State and National Advisory Commissions and panels, including the advisory committee to the New York State Office of the Aging, the State office of Mental Health, the Long Island Alzheimer's Foundation and the Port Washington Senior Center. Dr. Ziev has organized and chaired many conferences and has published and lectured widely on issues concerning aging, disability access, case management, mental health, service delivery and program development.
The Town will provide refreshments for all attendees. Don’t miss the opportunity to attend what promises to be a very helpful and informative event. For more information please contact Tim Duffy in Councilman Pollack’s office at 516-869-7711.