MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Vicki DiStefano and Matt Leonenko | (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead Approves 2019 Budget Plan, Staying Under State Tax Cap
North Hempstead, NY – The Town of North Hempstead’s 2019 budget was approved last night by Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Council Members Viviana Russell, Peter Zuckerman, Angelo Ferrara, Lee Seeman and Anna Kaplan. Council Member Dina De Giorgio rejected the plan. The $105.9 million budget (General Fund and Town Outside Village Fund) is a balanced and fiscally conservative plan that stays under the New York State tax cap. The budget continues to support the Town’s focus on investing in parks and road infrastructure to ensure the highest quality resident experience at Town facilities.
“I am committed to responsibly providing Town residents with the services they deserve while maintaining my administrations focus on fiscal responsibility. This budget reflects the collective effort by our commissioners, and department heads, as well as our finance team to stay under the State tax cap.” said Supervisor Bosworth. “The Town has received a Aaa bond rating, just reaffirmed last month, because of our conservative and careful guardianship of taxpayer funds.”
The Town’s 2019 General Fund budget of $68.6 million continues to support resident access to the Parks and Recreation Department’s exceptional concerts, multicultural events and myriad recreational opportunities while also funding necessary improvements to informational technology and public safety. Department of Community Services will continue and services provided to senior citizens through the Department of Services for the Aging (DOSA) and the Town’s Project Independence Program will continue to be a national role model. The General Fund tax levy increases by 2.16%, with a $9.43 average increase for property owners.
The Town Outside Village Fund (TOV) budget of $37 million provides funding to address the Highways Department effort to address needed tree trimming, tree planting, street sweeping and street repair and maintenance. The TOV increases by 3.18%, with a $22.14 average increase for homeowners.
The Town-Operated Special Districts total budget of $27.7 million funds the 20 special districts.
The Solid Waste Management Authority 2019 $17.27 million budget passed unanimously.
In September 2018, the Town’s Aaa was reaffirmed by Moody’s with a stable outlook. The Town is benefiting from lower interest rates on borrowing due to the Aaa rating, which is the highest in the Town’s recent history and the highest a municipality can obtain. Since 2013 the Town has lowered its debt by $27 million.
“With these positive ratings the Town is able to get lower interest rates on bonds which will ultimately result in savings for taxpayers,” said the Supervisor of the Moody’s rating.
For the third consecutive year the final budget was voted on prior to Election Day.
To the view the 2019 Budget www.northhempsteadny.gov/tonh-budgets