MEDIA CONTACTS: Rebecca Cheng, Matthew Leonenko and Michael Anderson | (516) 869-7794
Supervisor Delivers 7th State of the Town Address with Focus on Past Accomplishments & Exciting Initiatives for 2020
North Hempstead, NY - North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth delivered her 7th State of the Town address on January 31, which concluded with a preview of several of her initiatives for 2020, including the unveiling of the Park Enhancement Assessment Program (PEAP) that will keep the Town’s parks in peak condition; a new customer care software system for the building department; and the completion of a one mile extension to the Hempstead Harbor Trail.
In addition to announcing the Town’s, PEAP initiative, the Supervisor also said that 2020 will see the completion of several important Town projects-the opening of the Homestead Housing apartments this spring, which will add 77 units of affordable senior housing in New Cassel, on the former site of the Grand Street School; accomplishing some important environmental goals to become a Bronze Level Certified Climate Smart Community; and the North Hempstead Beach Park redevelopment project moving into the design phase after a two-year visioning process.
The speech at the Clubhouse at Harbor Links in Port Washington was part of a program hosted by the League of Women Voters of Port Washington-Manhasset and began with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by the members of the Town’s Veterans Advisory Committee and the singing of the Star Spangled Banner by Ian Miller of Schreiber High School. Supervisor Bosworth’s address was live streamed on the Town’s Facebook page. Hundreds of individuals, including local officials and residents, packed the Harbor Links ballroom to hear the address.
Supervisor Bosworth began her speech recognizing the League of Women Voters and the 100-year anniversary this year of the ratification of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote.
“Well done, ladies! I would not be here without your efforts,” the Supervisor said.
In the list of accomplishments from the past year, Supervisor Bosworth said, several highlights included the new bike trail and first-ever dog park for the Town.
“We cut the ribbon on a spectacular two miles of new bike and hiking trails constructed by our partners at C.L.I.M.B. – the Concerned Long Island Mountain Bicyclists- at no cost to taxpayers, with another four miles being developed as we speak! And we didn’t forget our canine friends as we opened the Town’s first-ever dog park at Michael J. Tully Park. The new dog park is already a tremendous success, bringing together people who share a common passion—their dogs… and bringing dogs of all types together to play and get some exercise,” she said.
The Supervisor also spoke about the continued success of having the Northport VA Medical Center mobile unit at Clinton G. Martin Park three days a week.
“The unit has administered care to more than 400 of our local veterans over the past year,” Supervisor Bosworth said. “In addition to providing physical therapy, podiatry and primary health care, we also added bloodwork services this past year. Other new initiatives in 2019 included the waiving of adoption fees for any veteran wishing to adopt a dog at the Town’s Animal Shelter. And we ended the year by once again delivering over 250 boxes of clothing, toiletries and other needed items for our vets to the Northport Medical Center.”
Also highlighted by the Supervisor in her address were:
• The creation of a “Green” procurement policy for the Town
• The construction of a vehicle and equipment washing bay station at the highway yard
• Dredging projects at Town Dock, Manorhaven Beach and Gerry Pond Park
• A water management system using storm water collected at both the Solid Waste Management Authority landfills and at Harbor Links Golf Course to help address water conservation concerns at the golf course
• The creation of “Shop Local” signs for the Town’s Chambers of Commerce
• A cultural master plan initiative which is working to identify some possible tenants for an arts program that would fill vacant store windows with pop-up art installations
• The construction of a dock at the Stepping Stones Lighthouse
• A study to find space for a proposed cat shelter
The Supervisor ended her address by stating “You have placed your trust and confidence in me as your supervisor and I do not take that lightly. It is truly an honor to serve you. The residents of North Hempstead are among the most educated, enthusiastic and civic minded citizens I know. I am proud to work together with all of you as my partners in government.”
Please call 311 or (516) 869-6311 from outside North Hempstead to request a copy of the State of the Town Speech. You can also log on to to view the full text of the Supervisor’s speech. The video of the speech will be available on in February.