MEDIA CONTACTS: Rebecca Cheng, Matthew Leonenko and Michael Anderson | (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead Delivers Holiday Donations
to Northport VA for 6th Year in a Row
North Hempstead, NY -North Hempstead Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the Town’s Veterans Advisory Committee completed the 6th Annual Veterans Donation Drive on Saturday, December 14 when over 200 boxes of new clothes, toiletries, and other supplies that were collected through the town-wide drive were transported to the Northport VA Medical Center. North Hempstead’s senior organization “Blankets of Love” also crafted 30 blankets for the drive.
The donations were collected throughout at locations including: American Community Bank of New Hyde Park, the American Red Cross, Blankets of Love, Dominick’s Deli, Garden City Park Civic Association, Inn at Great Neck, Joy Fu Club, Lakeville Estates Civic Association, Long Island Nets Organization, PATV LI, the Rotary Club of Great Neck, Seeds of Willistons, the Village of Great Neck Plaza, the Village of New Hyde Park as well as Town facilities, local high schools, libraries and many more.
“We are proud to continue the tradition of our annual Veterans Holiday Donation Drive,” said Supervisor Judi Bosworth. The Veterans Advisory Committee and the entire community come together to collect donations for the Northport VA Medical Center. We are thankful for everyone’s generosity and support. Especially during the holiday time it is important that we recognize our veterans and the tremendous sacrifices they have all made for our country.”
For more information about the Town’s Veteran’s Advisory Committee please visit: or call 311.