September 24, 2007 (516) 869-7794
(Port Washington, NY September 7) – The Town of North Hempstead, in conjunction with Residents For A More Beautiful Port Washington, today ceremoniously cut a ribbon unveiling the placement of an informational kiosk at the Town Dock in Port Washington.
“I’m thrilled to participate in this ceremony,” Supervisor Jon Kaiman said. “The idea for this kiosk grew directly out of our Port Washington visioning efforts, and the Town is pleased to accommodate the residents’ wishes.”
The 3-sided kiosk, located at the Town Dock in Manhasset Bay, provides visitors with a detailed map of the surrounding area, including clearly marked points of interests, on one side; a narrative and pictorial history of the waterfront community on the second side; and information about the 1.7 mile waterfront trail extending from the south end of the North Hempstead Town Dock, along the shoreline of Sunset Park, through the waterfronts of the Villages of Baxter Estates, Manorhaven and Port Washington North, past Sheets Creek and ending at the west end of the Town’s Manorhaven Park.
Supervisor Kaiman pointed out that the kiosk had been 4 years in the making, and extended his gratitude to Residents For a More Beautiful Port Washington for its work on the project.
Town Councilman Fred Pollack directed his remarks at the ribbon-cutting ceremony to thanking organizations and individuals who made the project possible. Pollack specifically thanked the Sierra Club Foundation, Residents For A More Beautiful Port Washington, the Port Washington Public Library and the Cow Neck Historical Society for their organizations’ efforts. He also acknowledged the contributions of former Town Supervisor May Newburger, Ellie Schodel (oral historian for the library), Dr. George Williams (Member of the Cow Neck Historical Society and Chairman of the TNH Historical Commission, Town Historian Joan Kent, Allan Dinn (who supplied some of the wonderful pictures adoring the kiosk), Paul Singer (who designed the sign) and Jake Eisenman, a member of the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee.
All present praised the efforts of Jennifer Wilson Pines, Eric Pick and Myron Blumenfeld, the community leaders who spearheaded this project.
LtoR: Port Washington Fire Chief John Walters, County Legislator Wayne Wink, Chair of TONH Historical Commission Dr George Williams, Assemblywomen Michelle Schimel, Councilman Fred Pollack, Eric Pick of Residents for a More Beautiful Port Washington, Supervisor Jon Kaiman, Jennifer Wilson Pines, Myron Blumenfeld, Town Historian Joan Kent, Receiver of Taxes Rocco Iannarelli, Executive Director of Residents for a More Beautiful Port Washington Lee Anne Timothy.