MEDIA CONTACTS: Gordon Tepper, Rebecca Cheng, Matthew Leonenko and Michael Anderson | (516) 869-7794
Construction on Leeds Pond Culvert Underway
North Hempstead, NY - Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Council Member Mariann Dalimonte have announced that work on the Leeds Pond Culvert is currently underway.
The project is split into two main phases as part of the rehabilitation project. A new culvert will be constructed east of the existing culvert from Leeds Pond to Manhasset Bay under Plandome Road. This culvert will be permanent and provide tidal flow for the Pond while the existing culvert undergoes restoration. Once the new culvert is operational, the existing culvert will be closed utilizing cofferdams to allow for restoration. When restoration is complete on the existing culvert, all cofferdams will be removed allowing both culverts to operate together to service the tidal flow of Leeds Pond to Manhasset Bay.
In September 2018, the Town awarded a contract to Woodstock Construction Group for $1.52 million dollars for the project. Town officials worked with former State Senator Jack Martins to help secure a $1.5 million grant from New York State that was awarded to help pay for the project. This spring, final relocations and coordination of utilities were completed allowing work to begin on July 1, 2020. The Town is coordinating with Village of Plandome Manor Mayor Barbara Donno to help oversee the project.