Immediate Release Contact: Justin Meyers
March 14, 2008 (516) 869-7794
Supervisor Kaiman Announces Winner of the
Winterfest ‘08 Chili Cook-Off Competition
Port Washington, NY—North Hempstead Supervisor Jon Kaiman, Councilman Tom Dwyer and the Director of North Hempstead’s Business and Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC) Louise Fishman presented Officer Chris Fehling of the Nassau County Police Department’s Bureau of Special Operations with the award for “Best Chili on Long Island” at the town’s first Winterfest, Saturday, March 8 at Bar Beach. North Hempstead’s Winterfest ‘08 played host to a variety of activities including the Special Olympics Polar Plunge, a unique and wacky experience designed to promote and support the Special Olympics, ice carving and sculptures, a live DJ and music, a free breakfast provided by Panera Bread, informational displays sponsored by the police department and much more.
“I congratulate Officer Fehling on winning the award for “Best Chili on Long Island,” said Supervisor Jon Kaiman. “It was indeed a delicious bowl of chili and I look forward to an even bigger Chili Cook-off Competition at Winterfest ’09!”

(L to R) Councilman Tom Dwyer, Supervisor Jon Kaiman, Officer Chris Fehling
and the Director of North Hempstead’s BTDC, Louise Fishman.