MEDIA CONTACTS: Gordon Tepper, Rebecca Cheng and Michael Anderson | (516) 869-7794
Brian Devine | (516) 869-2475
North Hempstead Accepting Applications for Appointments to the Tree Advisory Committee
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena, Council Member Veronica Lurvey, and the Town Board are pleased to announce that the Town is seeking applications from interested residents who wish to be considered for an appointment to the Town’s Tree Advisory Committee. In 2021, the Town amended its tree code to include a combination of Town staff, a certified arborist, and seven members of the public who will provide input and advise the Town Board on tree-related matters.
“One of the things that makes the Town of North Hempstead a great place to live, work, and raise a family is the unparalleled suburban aesthetic exhibited by our tree lined streets and lush parks,” Supervisor DeSena said. “The Town Board worked hard to re-establish the Tree Advisory Committee late last year, and I look forward to searching to find suitable candidates amongst our knowledgeable residents who will help us on tree-related matters. Together, we can continue to work to leave our Town a better place than we found it.”
“The Town Board was proud to enact tree legislation last year that will not only benefit our residents, but the communities they live in and our environment as well,” said Council Member Veronica Lurvey, Town Board liaison to the Tree Advisory Committee. “The Tree Advisory Committee will help us take the next steps as we embark on our journey to preserve trees for future generations and grow the Town’s tree canopy.”
The newly revamped Tree Advisory Committee will include seven residents, one appointed by each member of the Town Board. The committee will meet at least quarterly to work on special projects and assist with creating a community-wide Tree Master Plan.
Additional responsibilities will include drafting of an annual report, ensuring North Hempstead remains a Tree City USA, recommending how funds in the Tree Preservation Fund are used, in consultation with the Comptroller, and providing recommendations about trees in the Town.
Individuals interested in applying for an appointment to the Tree Advisory Committee can apply by visiting: www.northhempsteadny.gov/treepolicy or by calling 311 for more information.