FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 17, 2022
MEDIA CONTACTS: Gordon Tepper, Rebecca Cheng and Michael Anderson | (516) 869-7794
Brian Devine | (516) 869-2475
Couples Celebrate Valentine’s Day and Reaffirm Vows at Town Hall
North Hempstead, NY – Town Clerk Ragini Srivastava continued the Town of North Hempstead tradition as host and officiant of the 13th Annual Valentine’s Day Marriage Vow Renewal ceremony at Town Hall in Manhasset on February 14. A special highlight of this celebration was the first-time exchange of vows and a marriage ceremony for Town couples.
“Love is in the air here in the Town of North Hempstead! Many thanks to Town Clerk Srivastava for hosting this special event that gave these couples the chance to renew their decades-long commitments to one another,” Supervisor DeSena said. “It was an honor to share this wonderful day with the happy couples in attendance who declared their endless love for one another.”
Supervisor Jennifer DeSena, celebrating her own 25th anniversary with her husband Ralph, offered congratulatory remarks and personal insights for a long marriage. This was followed by the warm wishes of Council Members Peter Zuckerman, Dennis Walsh, Veronica Lurvey, and Mariann Dalimonte, along with Receiver of Taxes Charles Berman.
“I was so thrilled, excited, and honored to host this event for our residents,” said Town Clerk Ragini Srivastava. “It was a beautiful ceremony where we were able to celebrate love and the commitment these couples have made to each other.”
North Hempstead TV will be airing highlights from this event. Remember to watch NHTV on Channel 18/65 on Cablevision and Channel 46 on Verizon FIOS or log on to www.myNHTV.com.

Couples join together for the Town’s Valentine’s Day Recommitment Ceremony held on Valentine’s Day.

Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and her husband Ralph renew their vows as they celebrate their 25th anniversary.

Jennifer Jung and Chon Bum Chun celebrate their vows with Town Clerk Ragini Srivastava at the Town’s Valentine’s Day Recommitment Ceremony.

Ricki Ebihara and Ozgur Seker (Center, Right) with Town Clerk Ragini Srivastava at the Town’s Valentine’s Day Recommitment Ceremony.