Immediate Release Contact: Collin Nash or Justin Meyers
June 19, 2008 (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead Welcomes Six Additional Hybrid Vehicles
Manhasset, NY—As part of North Hempstead’s ongoing commitment to protect and preserve the environment, Supervisor Jon Kaiman announced that six additional hybrid vehicles have been delivered to Town Hall, becoming part of North Hempstead’s ‘green’ vehicle fleet. The Town of North Hempstead will now have over twenty hybrid and electric vehicles operational, drastically improving fuel efficiency, lowering operating and maintenance costs, and reducing fuel emissions.
“The new hybrid vehicles are part of North Hempstead’s initiative to reduce pollution, fuel consumption and our dependency on oil,” said Supervisor Kaiman. “With gas prices on the rise, North Hempstead looks to alternative fuel vehicles to ensure cost savings as well as to protect our environment.”
The six new hybrid vehicles were made possible due to a grant from New York State in 2006, totaling $299,406, specifically for the purchase of alternative fuel vehicles. North Hempstead will incorporate the new Hybrids in the Code Enforcement Department, Administrative Services Department and the town’s Building Department.
North Hempstead purchased the 2008 Toyota Prius. The Prius has an estimated 48 mpg for city driving and 45 mpg for highway driving. The Prius was named the most fuel efficient car sold in America, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
For more information on North Hempstead’s environmental initiatives, including the ‘green’ vehicle fleet, please call 311.
North Hempstead welcomes the 2008 Toyota Prius to the town’s vehicle fleet.