FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 27, 2022
MEDIA CONTACTS: Gordon Tepper, Rebecca Cheng and Michael Anderson | (516) 869-7794
Brian Devine | (516) 869-2475
North Hempstead Approves Climate Education and Outreach Plan
North Hempstead, NY – In September, Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and the Town Board unanimously adopted a climate education and outreach plan to build widespread understanding about climate change and actions we can take to mitigate and adapt to our changing world.
“This comprehensive plan ensures the community has an active voice in the Town’s climate action work to realize a sustainable and resilient future,” stated Supervisor Jennifer DeSena.
The plan includes six core components:
1. A community survey to benchmark and evaluate issues, perceptions, and beliefs around climate change among residents
2. An educational and interactive forum aimed at facilitating a dialogue about climate change
3. Virtual and live workshops focused on sustainable transportation and drinking water resiliency
4. The compilation of a comprehensive list of stakeholders
5. A climate action website
6. A climate action social media plan
“The centerpiece of this plan is collaboration,” stated Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Task Force member and Town Council Member Mariann Dalimonte. “The Town compiled a list of over one hundred stakeholders covering businesses, environmental groups, religious institutions, academia, neighborhood associations, food banks and outreach centers to ensure we are reaching every inch of the Town effectively.”
The Town’s Climate Stories Workshop, Transportation Innovation Series and Water Workshop were completed in the Spring. Recordings and resources from these programs are available to the public on the Town’s climate action website.
An active initiative of the plan is a community benchmark survey to assess fears, concerns, and priorities associated with climate change today. The Town collaborated with faculty at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) to develop the survey, which can be found on the Town’s website and is accessible in multiple languages.
“I encourage all residents of the Town to take the survey to help the Town prioritize planning and measure the impact our work has on the lives of residents over time” stated CSC Task Force member and Council Member Veronica Lurvey. “We need to hear from you.”
Residents can access the survey and all other elements of the Town’s Climate Education and Outreach plan at NorthHempsteadNY.gov/ClimateAction.

Residents of the Town that shared their climate story as part of the Town’s Climate Education and Outreach plan.