FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 23, 2022
MEDIA CONTACTS: Gordon Tepper, Rebecca Cheng and Michael Anderson | (516) 869-7794
Town Approves Slate of Changes for Port Washington Parking District
North Hempstead, NY – At the November 17 Town Board Meeting, Council Member Mariann Dalimonte and the Town Board unanimously approved several resolutions pertaining to the Port Washington Parking District.
Residents and visitors will now have additional shopper parking spaces when visiting the downtown area. In Lot 4, there will be 80 hourly parking spaces. In Lot 5, there will be 60 hourly parking spaces. In Lot 7, paid parking will be available throughout the day on Saturday (payable through the Passport App).
The public hearing to consider a local law that would allow for an amendment to create a one year pilot program allowing residential parking in Lot #7 from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 was approved.
The program would designate 45 overnight parking spots (daily from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.) at a cost of $10 per vehicle per day. Those who take part in the program must be a Town resident with a daily, monthly or yearly residential parking pass. The $10 overnight parking fee is payable through the www.goportparking.org online portal.
Users can download the free Passport Parking app from the App Store, Google Play or manage online at passportparking.com. Transaction fees will apply.