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Photos of The Traveling Rotarians, North Shore/LIJ Meeting & Recognizing Sheila Penn
The Traveling Rotarians
Following their own trip to Taiwan, Town Clerk Leslie Gross and BTDC Director Louise Fishman recently welcomed a group of visiting Rotarians from Taipei, Taiwan.  Pictured (l. to r.) North Shore Rotary Club member Chris Mazzarella, Leslie Gross, the four visitors from Taipei, and Rudy Auslander, who coordinated the Rotary Friendship Exchange Program.
North Shore/LIJ Meeting
Town Clerk Leslie Gross recently attended the Annual Meeting of the North Shore/LIJ Health System with Co-Associate Trustee, Michael Sahn.
Recognizing Sheila Penn
Town Clerk Leslie Gross congratulates Great Neck resident and poet Sheila Penn who was named a Town of North Hempstead Senior Recognition Day honoree. 
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