Immediate Release Contact: Collin Nash or Justin Meyers
July 15, 2008 (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead Among one of the Nation’s Best Places to Live
Manhasset,NY — Supervisor Jon Kaiman has long touted North Hempstead as a haven for families. Now Money magazine, a nationally recognized publication, has confirmed what the Kaiman administration has been saying all along: North Hempstead ranks among one of the best places to live in the nation.
Blessed with natural jewels in its network of bays, and its close proximity to New York City, high-achieving schools and the abundance of opportunities for leisure time activities and cultural outlets, North Hempstead was ranked 46th in the 2008 Money magazine’s annual “100 Best Places to Live” roundup.
“This is a great community with so much to offer,” Kaiman said, reacting to the article posted on and scheduled to appear in the August issue of Money Magazine. “We are proud of this wonderful honor for an extraordinary town.”
North Hempstead’s top 50 ranking was the highest among the three other municipalities in the state that made the cut, Clay, north of Syracuse (59), Clarkstown, in Rockland County (71) and Greenburgh, in Westchester (80).
Acknowledging that North Hempstead’s real estate is “pricey,” the article cited the town’s “world class shopping” at the Americana Mall, and its enviable quality of life, including easy-to-reach museums, restaurants and libraries. The town’s schools also topped the list’s averages in reading and math scores.